One of the things I know I'm lucky for is the huge variety of people I get to meet. Last week I has a market stall in Banff, and Laura Levitsky stopped to admire the AM Adventures photo leggings. She said she's never seen anything like them! We talked markets & such, since she lives in Chilliwack, which is about half an hour away from my Mom. I'd like to try some markets out that way, and she said there are *many*.
Laura is an artist of unbelievable talent. Her website is and you must visit it. Her work is astounding, beautiful, detailed. My favourite section is the Vintage Cars and Barns, but it's all spectacular. Her images have depth and an incredible use of light and texture. It's obvious she has dedicated uncountable hours to her art. I'm delighted that she stopped to chat, and leave her card. What a lovely human being. Thank you, Laura!
Well hi there!
How about some random things in no particular order?
-The Thursday Farmers Market in Canmore is back for the season starting June 11th! AM Adventures will have a tent there. Come visit!
- We have a new design in the shop! Breathing Space is a capri, and we are working on a double layered set of leggings for winter runners. Hopefully this will be available beginning in October 2015.The mercifully brief newsletter with a free shipping code is HERE The mock-up image is below.

- Canada Day is *amazing* here in Canmore! Not only is there a parade, a race , fireworks (usually, if it's safe), endless adventures, and patio space, but there will also be an outdoor Mountain Made market. OH MY!!
- Since my main gig is photographer, I sometimes get to work on interesting projects. Last week, work took me to many places, including Edmonton. One of my jobs was to create recognizable images of the communities we were in. This one is Edmonton at sunset.

The Rocky Mountain Soap Company Women's Run was this past weekend (May 23 & 24) and it was, as always, an incredibly well done event. Over 2000 women and girls walked and ran the 5km, 10km, and 21.1km courses. There were several vendors and displays, music, dancing, fun, and friendliness. Many ladies came for some leggings and capris, some who already have a couple of pairs. It is SO FUN to see these lovely, strong, adventurous women enjoying them. THANK YOU to every single person I met this weekend for the nice things you say, for the way you share with your friends, and the way you are super freaking cool. <3
Canmore Love June 04 2014, 0 Comments
At the end of May, AM Adventures was lucky enough to take part in the Expo at the
RMS Women's Run. We had a draw for a pair of leggings, and the form included a couple of optional *fun* parts. These are some of the answers (many were used by more than one person) to
Favourite things about Canmore -
- Scenery! And the runs! Love the bookstore! (likely Cafe Books - My favourite too!)
- People + mtn air :-)
- Scenery / Lifestyle
- Mountains
- Hiking with my friends
- Shopping, beer, mountains
- This run
- Q Lake swimming on a hot day!!
- Mountain running
- Mountains, girlfriends, and good wine!
- Beauty
- Everything!
We agree! Canmore is pretty cool. It's full of beauty, great shopping, yummy beer, and quite a few adventures. What's YOUR favourite thing about Canmore?